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Tuesday 5 July 2016

How to earn Ksh 750,000 per acre from Cape gooseberries in Kenya

Cultivating Cape gooseberry in Kenya is easy. The basic requirements are seeds, labour and manure. It takes 14-16 weeks from planting to Harvesting.
The plant shares the same family with capsicum and tomato and is therefore similar to plants in some management practices.
Single Cape gooseberry in Kenya can yield average 200 fruits (about 5g each) =1000g or 1kg fruits per season.

At a spacing of 1.5m by 1.0cm, plant population is 2,500plants/acre(26,666 is the exact figure).
2500 plants/ acre will give 2500×1= 2500kg fruit sold @ Ksh 300 per Kg
GROSS INCOME OF 2500KG×300=KSH 750,000/ ACRE
Seeds can be collected from uncultivated land after the rains.

500g seeds will give you seedlings enough to plant 1-acre. Birds netting is required to protect from birds.

pruning will be necessary for good performance.
Apply a mulch of well-rotted manure or compost for high yields.

The plant adapts well in many areas but moist soil is required all the time.

It takes 4-5 months for the fruits to mature.

Unripe Cape gooseberry fruits are known to be poisonous.
Cape gooseberries farming is not well developed in Kenya currently.