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Friday 22 April 2016

Commercial chilli farming in Kenya is a life time opportunity

Gross Returns 

Commercial chilli farming in Kenya is rapidly taking root. Chilli crop can yield upto 10 tons per acre in Kenya, with a ton having a market value of Ksh 1M.Chilli is a well paying crop requiring well-drained soil and neutral pH as well as low Nitrogen level. Soil sample and testing is therefore recommended during initial preparations.

Land preparation

During preparation , make raised beds that are 50cm apart. Mix the soil media with adquate well rotted manure, thereafter covering the nursery with a clear polythene paper for a minimum of 3 days to kill pests and diseases. This practice in short is called soil solarization, a non-chemical method used to kill soil-borne pests and disease-causing organisms using high temperatures produced by sun radiation.  The next step is to sow pepper seeds into the nursery and then ensure immediate watering.


Commercial chilli farming in Kenya calls for use of 1 kg of seeds for one acre to cover planting and refilling damaged plants.


Germination of chilli seeds will take a range averaging of 7 days. Nursery can be maintained by minimal labour of about 1 hour a day. Seven days down the line, seedlings are transplanted to the field at a spaced at 45cm between rows and15cm between plants.


Chilli matures in 75-90 days after transplanting. There are low management labour requirements during the growing period. However, Commercial chilli farming in Kenya requires continuous crop monitoring. Watering is required every 24 hours at flowering. Flower promotion foliar fertilizer or flowering stimulant needs to be used at this stage. A litre of flower stimulating foliar fertilizer is enough.


Chilli is harvested in 75-90 days after transplanting depending on your market. 


Commercial chilli farming in Kenya is a life time opportunity.