These are the most popular and widely grown edible mushrooms
in the world. The world’s leader in button mushrooms cultivation is the USA. The button
mushrooms cultivation requires relatively cool conditions for growth and
fruiting body formation. These fungi lack the ability to form organic compounds
for their growth. Their nutritional requirements for growth are therefore
obtained from substrates or soil substitutes. Agaricus species requires
composted substrates which have 70% moisture content. The commonly used
materials are animal manure and cereal straws .The compost is pasteurized to
kill insect and fungi pests. This is accomplished by placing the compost in the
pasteurization chamber, injecting steam and allowing heating up to 60º C for
2-3 days, then cooling down to 45-50º for 4-5 days in order to condition. Air
is then introduced into to the room to allow of growth of thermophillic
organisms which are beneficial to the growth of the crop. When growing on very
small scale, indoor pasteurization may be omitted and previously disinfected
boxes filled with compost.
The compost is then transferred to a growing room and filled
on the shelves. In practice the bed thickness varies from 10-20Cm.Increase in
temperature occurs in thick beds limiting bed thickness. If button mushrooms
cultivation is not under controlled conditions, the suitable thickness of the
compost layer must be determined for the local climatic conditions. After
spawning, the temperature is maintained at 22-25ºC to allow for good growth of
mycelia within the compost. It takes about 3 weeks for mycelia to fully
colonize the compost. The beds for button mushrooms cultivation should never be
allowed to dry out. Casing layer is added to the surface of spawn run compost
to stimulate formation of fruiting bodies and prevent drying up. A good casing
medium should have an open texture, good water holding capacity and free from
pests and diseases. Pasteurized garden loam soil or peat moss can be used as
casing medium and PH adjusted to 6.5-8.5 by adding lime. The casing material is
spread evenly on the surface and mixed evenly to a depth of 5cm. Water is
sprinkled lightly on the casing medium, and incubation continued for 7-10 days
at 18-24ºC.
To encourage fruiting, the temperature should be lowered
to14-18ºC after casing and fresh air allowed into the room to lower the level
of carbon dioxide, which may inhibit primordial formation and fruiting. It may
also cause defects during button mushrooms cultivation. If cooling system is
not available, button mushrooms cultivation should take off when the
temperatures 12-18ºC. It takes about 20 days from spawning to harvest. The
following hygiene measures are essential during button mushrooms cultivation:-
The growing building should be enclosed and easy
to clean
Incoming air should be filtered
High standards of personal hygiene should be
observed by the workers
At the end of button mushrooms cultivation
cycle, spent compost should be ‘cooked out’ at 65ºC for 10 hours
Pest and diseases observed
during button mushroom cultivation includes insects, mites, nematodes,
bacteria, fungi and die back. Control measures include high standards of
hygiene in the houses for button mushrooms cultivation, filtering of incoming
air, and use of recommended pesticides, use un-infected compost, addition of
sodium hypochlorite to irrigation water for bacterial control during growth,
cleaning and disinfection of the houses used for button mushrooms cultivation
after growing cycle.
Harvesting takes place before the fruiting bodies
open. In high technology button mushrooms cultivation, the average yield is
about 40kg /sq/M .3-4 flushes are harvested before the compost is removed. Agaricus
species can stay fresh for one week at 10ºC.
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